
There are many ways to be involved. Whether you be professional or amateur, a lover of things botanical or material, or simply a curious traveller of the world, we have something to entice you.

PAST Events

Australian Landscape
Conference 2023

The biennial Australian Landscape Conference provides experiences and learning opportunities for the landscape design community.

Land Escapism

Land Escapism events are located in different parts of Australia (they travel). The events are held biennially during the intermediate year between the Australian Landscape Conferences.

24 February 2024
Art Gallery of NSW

Land Escapism Canberra

Land Escapism events are located in different parts of Australia (they travel). The events are held biennially during the intermediate year between the Australian Landscape Conferences.

29 February 2024
National Film and Sound Archive

Underground Lovers + Above Ground Friends

Diving in deep – roots and all with a very special workshop featuring Dr Alison Pouliot and Simon Rickard.

Day 1: Tuesday 23 April,
Day 2:  Wednesday 24 April (Field Trip)

Crisp Gallery, Bowning NSW

California Travel Tour

Building on previous travel adventures where, as a small group, we visit the landscapes of world leading designers and walk, talk and enjoy natural areas in California. 12 day tour.

8-20 May 2024